Life cycle analysis and circular economy services for continuous improvement toward a sustainable society
LCA Design Corporation is a sustainability consulting firm specializing in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and circular economy services started by Katie Soulliere in 2016 to provide third-party LCA services for medium to large businesses.
Katie Soulliere is an Environmental Engineering Ph.D. candidate from the University of Windsor focussing on the impacts of banning technology on the environment from a life cycle analysis perspective. She completed her MASc for Mechanical Engineering in 2013 and her thesis was on ‘Developing an LCA Framework for the Microalgae Biodiesel Industry.’
LCA Services
Life cycle analysis services are based on ISO 14040/44 standards to determine environmental, social, and/or economic impacts by evaluating a product or service from production to end of life or any stage under investigation using GaBi software. Opportunities for improvement are then identified and the results from the LCA can be used for decision-making, policy development, and/or marketing. The results can also be incorporated in CSR and GRI reporting.
Environmental and Energy Analysis
Environmental and energy analysis services for businesses are related to environmental and energy inventory and analysis including life cycle analysis (LCA), greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, carbon footprint, energy audits, and cost-benefit analysis.
Circular Economy Services
LCA Design Corporation also provides circular economy services for your business using circularity indicators such as the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) as defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to determine if your business model is in line with the circular economy. Recommendations and next steps will be provided to improve your circularity.